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What Can I Do?

Thank you for your interest in taking action! Here are some things YOU can do to support our work and the young people standing up for their rights to a livable future. 

  1. Join our online mailing list to get urgent calls to action to support, advocate, and speak out for and with these amazing young climate leaders!

  2. Donate to Our Children’s Trust. We provide expert legal representation and support to our youth plaintiffs around the world, all at no cost to them or their families. Invest in our efforts and become a part of this durable solution to the climate crisis!

  3. Attend an event! Our Children’s Trust hosts in-person and online events throughout the year where you can hear from attorneys, partners, experts, and youth plaintiffs on topics like breaking news, new case developments, and ways you can support our groundbreaking youth-led constitutional climate litigation. Check out our events calendar to discover upcoming opportunities to participate!

  4. #Congress4Juliana: Show your support for the Juliana v. United States youth plaintiffs - and a congressional concurrent resolution recognizing Children’s Fundamental Rights and Climate Recovery - by contacting your members of Congress!  Learn more about letters from Congress to President Biden and an organizational letter to the Biden Department of Justice here, and show your support here.

  5. Download and print a sign to display in your yard or the window of your home, business, or car to show your community that you stand in solidarity with the 21 youth plaintiffs in Juliana v. United States! If you live in Eugene-Springfield, Oregon, you can even request to have a FREE weatherproof yard sign delivered to your home or business!

  6. Are you a young person interested in joining future climate legal action? Please fill out this form to share your interest!

  7. If you are a teacher, download our free curricula! Not a teacher? If you are a student, ask your teacher to add this curriculum to your class. Or, if you are a parent, ask your children’s teachers and local administrators to incorporate these lessons.

  8. Are you an attorney looking to contribute your time pro bono? Please fill out this form to share your interest!

  9. Write a letter to the editor of your local or school newspaper. We’ve got some tips on how to get started in our Action Toolkit here.

  10. Ask city councils, elected officials, schools, faith communities or businesses to sign a Declaration of Support in support of the Juliana v. United States plaintiffs. Learn more here and in our Action Toolkit.

  11. Talk to others about climate science. You can start the conversation by sharing our Pathway to Climate Recovery handout.

  12. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. Share, retweet, and repost content with your followers!

  13. Looking for additional ways to get involved in climate change advocacy and action? Check out the many programs, initiatives, and collaborative opportunities offered by Earth Guardians, an organization of young leaders who are fighting for our futures across the globe.