The first-ever constitutional climate trial in the U.S. - led by Montana youth! - concluded June 20, 2023
What is Held v. State of Montana?
Held v. State of Montana is a constitutional climate lawsuit brought by 16 Montana youth against their State to protect their equal rights to a healthy environment, life, dignity, and freedom. They are suing because their government keeps promoting and supporting fossil fuel extraction and burning, which is worsening the climate crisis and harming these youths’ lives.
The youth are suing to protect the air, waters, wildlife and their public lands that are threatened by drought, heat, fires, smoke, and floods.
The youth are also suing to have their equal rights as adults enforced under the Montana Constitution.
What are the youth asking the court to do?
The youth plaintiffs do not seek money. They are asking the court to declare that Montana's fossil fuel energy policies and actions violate young people’s state constitutional rights. The youth want the court to tell the government that it is unconstitutional to keep exploiting fossil fuels and they need to keep fossil in the ground and transition to clean energy no later than 2050.
The 16 youth plaintiffs in this case are represented by attorneys with Our Children’s Trust, the Western Environmental Law Center, and McGarvey Law.
What Happened at Trial?
From June 12-20, 2023, youth plaintiffs, their attorneys, and world-renowned experts from across Montana and the United States presented clear, irrefutable evidence that:
Montana is promoting the extraction and burning of fossil fuels despite the availability of renewable energy sources.
Extracting and burning fossil fuels causes and worsens the climate crisis.
The climate crisis injures and harms the youth plaintiffs.
These climate injuries and harms, caused by the actions of their own government, violate the youth’s state constitutional rights.
People from across Montana attended trial in Helena in the courtroom and at nearby local spaces to watch proceedings via community watch parties, while hundreds more around the world watched trial proceedings live each day via Zoom. National press covered the trial, including major print, television, online, and radio media. Environmental and climate organizations from across the state hosted community gatherings and events to stand in solidarity with the Held v. State of Montana youth.
Act Now: Stand with Youth Plaintiffs!
Here are some of the ways you can take action today:
Sign our online wall of support for the 16 youth plaintiffs standing up for their generation and future generations of Montanans.
Post messages of solidarity to social media! Share why you stand with these young climate leaders in Montana. Tag @youthvgov and use the hashtags #HeldMakesHistory and #YouthvPoweredClimateTrial.
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Donate today! Our Children’s Trust represents the young plaintiffs in Held v. State of Montana –and many more young people around the world–all at no cost to them or their families.
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Daily Trial Updates
Here’s what happened on June 12th:
Following the opening statement by Roger Sullivan with McGarvey Law, Judge Seeley heard testimony from Mae Nan Ellingson and Dr. Steven Running.
Ms. Ellingson was the youngest delegate at the time of the 1972 Montana Constitutional Convention. She told the judge that, at the time, Montana was the only state that had a constitutionally-enshrined right to a clean and healthful climate, but now Montana’s climate is “neither clean nor healthful.”
Dr. Running described the current climate destabilization caused by anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and the need to reduce atmospheric concentration of CO2 to 350 ppm to stabilize the climate system. Dr. Running explained how climate impacts are harmful for the youth plaintiffs and that the severity of their injuries would only get worse if Montana’s reliance on fossil fuels continues. Earth’s energy imbalance, he said, would become much worse by the end of the century, during the plaintiffs’ lifetimes.
Plaintiffs Rikki, Grace, and Eva each provided testimony. The young plaintiffs shared personal stories concerning how they are being affected by the climate crisis. For example, Rikki described working outdoors on her family’s ranch in extreme heat and smoke. Grace talked about playing soccer in high school, including how “a lot of practices were smoked out.” Eva shared her experience filling sandbags for seven hours during severe flooding of the Yellowstone River near her home. However, in spite of these emotional stories about how they are being harmed by climate change, the plaintiffs still expressed optimism for the future and explained how a successful outcome in the case would give them hope for the future.
Here’s what we anticipate for June 13th:
The court will hear from Dr. Cathy Whitlock, Dr. Lori Byron, and Dr. Dan Fagre, and youth plaintiffs Mica and Badge.
Here’s what happened on June 13th:
The morning kicked off with Judge Seeley hearing testimony from Dr. Cathy Whitlock, an earth scientist and professor at Montana State University, who is an expert in environmental change and paleoclimatology and was a lead author of the 2017 Montana Climate Assessment. "Montana has warmed more over the last century than other states,” she stated. “It is because of our high elevations, which tend to warm faster. We do not have the moderating effects of coastal states."
Next up was plaintiff Mica K., who spoke of his love for outdoor activities, especially running. He was recently diagnosed with asthma and is especially vulnerable to wildfire smoke. “I hope people try to make a difference and I hope the state of Montana can change its ways on fossil fuels,” he said.
Following Mica was another expert, Dr. Dan Fagre, a 30-year employee of the Department of Interior. Dr. Fagre spoke about Glacier National Park, and the melting of glaciers in the park due to climate change. He explained that Montana’s glaciers have existed for 7,000 years, yet many would be gone within the plaintiffs’ lifetimes.
When Dr. Fagre’s testimony concluded, plaintiff Badge B. took the stand. Badge shared his love for Montana’s beauty and how he enjoys rafting, hunting, fishing, and hiking. He described wildfires threatening his family’s home, and how wildfire smoke means not being able to go outside. He called dealing with climate change “a now or never situation.”
Closing out the day was Dr. Lori Byron, a Montana pediatrician, who discussed the impacts of climate change on the physical health of children. Dr. Byron explained that children are more vulnerable to anthropogenic climate change, describing how the health of the youth plaintiffs is already being harmed in Montana.
Here’s what we anticipate for June 14th:
The court will conclude testimony from Dr. Byron, then hear from Shane Doyle and Michael Durglo, and youth plaintiffs Sariel and Taleah.
Here’s what happened on June 14th:
The day began by concluding the prior day’s testimony with Montana pediatrician Dr. Lori Byron, who discussed climate change-induced adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and how they can cause long-term health problems such as exposure to substance abuse, physical/mental/sexual abuse, neglect, domestic violence, etc. These elements, which can create fear and anxiety in childhood, often result in health problems in adulthood. “Wildfires, for example, instill fear that you will have to leave your home, as well as the smoke that creates a pall over your life and makes one unable to do the things you enjoy,” Dr. Byron said.
Next up was Shane Doyle, testifying on behalf of his daughters (and youth plaintiffs) Ruby and Lilian. Mr. Doyle is an expert in Indigenous issues, an enrolled member of the Crow Tribe who holds a master’s degree in Native American studies from Montana State University. Mr. Doyle described the Crow Fair, an annual week-long gathering of the Crow Tribe which has occurred every August for over a century. It’s long been an important cultural event for Mr. Doyle and his daughters, but over the last several years the weather has become hotter and hotter, with temperatures reaching over 100ºF, as well as torrential downpours. He described how extreme weather has impeded Crow Fair, with events being canceled or abandoned due to heat.
Mr. Doyle was followed by Michael Durglo, Jr., head of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes' Tribal Historic Department. He provided additional testimony on the impact of the climate crisis on Indigenous communities. “As the climate has changed, the times for traditional practices have changed,” Mr. Durglo said. “There is a spiritual impact. All those non-human relatives that we rely on to feed us, to mend us as medicines - they all have a spiritual significance.”
The first plaintiff testimony of the day came from Sariel, a member of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes. Sariel learned about the science behind climate change in high school, including how greenhouse gases are breaking down the ozone layer. Sariel experienced firsthand the effects of wildfire and wildfire smoke. "It is really scary seeing what you love disappear before your eyes,” she said. “This case is important."
After Sariel, the court heard from Dr. Jack Stanford, director of the Flathead Lake Biological Station. Dr. Stanford discussed the impacts of climate change on Montana’s freshwater ecosystems and the connectivity of climate, hydrology, geomorphology, and ecology in those ecosystems. When asked to comment on how climate change affects freshwater ecosystems: “It’s already happening, it’s a fact, not only for our plaintiffs, but for all of us.”
Plaintiff Taleah was next to provide testimony, noting that as she grew older, she noticed that wildfires and smoke have become much more pervasive. She was employed training and caring for horses, but due to smoky conditions, her work was limited, causing her loss of income.
Closing out the day was plaintiff Georgi, a competitive Nordic skier, who trains year-round. Wildfire smoke was so bad in the summer of 2021, Georgi was forced to train indoors. She recounted looking out the window and barely seeing the buildings across the street for all the smoke.
Here’s what we anticipate for June 15th:
On June 15, the court will hear testimony from Pete Erickson, Anne Hedges, and youth plaintiffs Kian T. and Claire V.
Here’s what happened on June 15th:
Youth plaintiff Kian T.,18, was first to take the stand. He described trying to play soccer outdoors in excessive heat. "I have had many, many soccer practices canceled for smoke and heat," he said. "Playing soccer on turf in the heat is miserable. Imagine your feet are boiling in your cleats, burning every single step you take on the field. It burns you out."
The next witness was Anne Hedges, director of policy and legislative affairs at the Montana Environmental Information Center (MEIC). She provided testimony on the actions of the state government to authorize fossil fuel activities, describing the state’s knowledge of the dangers posed by fossil fuels and climate change, as well as specific state policies prohibiting the consideration of greenhouse gases (GHG) in environmental reviews. “If this court declared these anti-climate change analysis laws unconstitutional, it would make a profound difference to mitigate the harm of greenhouse gas emissions,” she said. Asked whether the state had ever denied a permit for a fossil fuel-related project, she responded: "Not to my knowledge."
Claire V., 20, testified in the afternoon. Asked what winning this lawsuit would mean to her, she said it would be an affirmation that the legal system works the way it's supposed to. In describing some of her own experiences with climate change, Claire said, "When I think about summer, I think about smoke. It sounds like a dystopian movie, but it's real life." She said she found the prospect of a smoke-free summer unimaginable.
The last witness of the day was Peter Erickson, a climate change policy researcher for the Stockholm Environment Institute in Seattle, Washington. He provided expert testimony on Montana’s contribution to global greenhouse gas emissions - via fossil fuel consumption, extraction, and infrastructure that the state of Montana permits - and how these emissions are both nationally and globally significant. “We are at a decision point about taking action on climate change,” Mr. Erickson said. “The world community has decided we must. Montana continues to issue fossil fuel permits.”
Here’s what we anticipate for June 16th:
The court will hear testimony from Dr. Lise Van Susteren, a psychiatrist and expert on how the climate crisis affects the physical and mental health of youth; Mark Jacobson, Director of the Atmosphere/Energy Program at Stanford University; and youth plaintiffs Olivia and Lander.
Here’s what happened on June 16th:
In an unexpected development, during the mid-morning recess, an attorney for the plaintiffs Phil Gregory shared with Judge Seeley that defense expert and climate scientist Judith Curry was canceling her appearance, and that the plaintiff expert testimony that rebutted Dr. Curry’s reports would be withdrawn.
The first witness of the day was Mark Jacobson, Director of the Atmosphere/Energy program at Stanford University. Mr. Jacobson described the technological and economical feasibility to transition Montana off of fossil fuels by 2050 and supply its energy needs via water, wind, and solar (WWS). The primary barrier, he stated, was the lack of government direction to move energy policy towards WWS, as well as current government policies that continue to favor a fossil fuel-based energy system.
The next witness was plaintiff Olivia V., who shared some of her artwork incorporating climate change as a major theme, including a piece called “Gaia” about the despair climate change makes her feel. She also described what it was like experiencing asthma and severe allergies during the smoky summer months when she often doesn’t go outside due to debilitating symptoms like swelling and redness. “The state of Montana has an obligation to uphold our right to a clean and healthful environment,” she said. “I know they have the power to do this. I know it.”
Following Olivia, Dr. Lise Van Susteren, a psychiatrist and expert on how the climate crisis affects the physical and mental health of youth, took the stand. She described how children are more susceptible to the impacts of climate change due to unique characteristics like their dependency on adults, their brains and bodies still not being fully developed, and an increased exposure and cumulative toll of trauma. “The kids have told you this week very compellingly how their world is different,” she said. “They are very aware of something called intergenerational injustices. Their world is spinning out of their control and they have first-hand experience.”
The last witness of the day was plaintiff Lander. He recounted some of earliest memories of going hunting and fishing with his father in the Montana wilderness, a family tradition for generations. “It just really cemented for me what I know as home and what I love and value so much,” he said. Lander then discussed how wildfires and smoke affect his family. “All of this, particularly the smoke, is just a really weird post-apocalyptic experience for me,” he said. “My family spends so much of our time outside, and it ends up taking a pretty big toll on our happiness and comfort.”
Here’s what we anticipate for June 19th:
Trial convenes again on Monday when the state will begin to call its first witnesses.
Here’s what happened on June 19th:
Witnesses for the State of Montana who testified included Christopher Dorrington, Director of the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ); Sonja Nowakowski, Administrator for the Air, Energy, and Mining Division at Montana DEQ; and Dr. Terry Anderson, an economist and Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University and emeritus professor at Montana State University.
The State declined to call to the stand its single climate science witness, Judith Curry; its only mental health witness, Debra Sheppard; and a number of other government witnesses.
Read a summary of the day’s testimony and cross examination here!
Here’s what we anticipate for June 20th:
The state is expected to rest their case in the morning, followed by closing arguments.
Trial will likely conclude mid-morning 6/20.
Here’s what happened on June 20th:
Trial concluded in Held v. State of Montana as the court heard closing arguments from attorneys for both the youth plaintiffs and the state.
Here’s what we anticipate will happen next:
Judge Seeley will now take the testimony, facts, and stories heard during trial - as well as the many documents admitted into evidence - into consideration as she determines how to rule in this critical case. A ruling is anticipated within weeks, or possibly months, following trial.
Stay up to date on new developments in this youth-led climate lawsuit, as well as actions to support the youth plaintiffs, by joining the online mailing list for Our Children’s Trust
Sign up for Our Children’s Trust’s online mailing list - or follow us on social media @youthvgov - to get post-trial updates on this case.
Trial Photos and Videos
June 12, 2023
Youth plaintiffs walking to the courthouse in Helena (Photo by Robin Loznak)
Montanans from around the state cheering on the youth in Helena (Photo by Robin Loznak)
Youth plaintiff Rikki testifies in court (Photo by Robin Loznak)
VIDEO: Youth plaintiffs arrive at the courthouse for trial (6/12/23)
Dr. Steven Running testifies in court (Photo by Robin Loznak)
Youth plaintiffs hold messages of support from young supporters (Photo by Robin Loznak)
June 13, 2023
Youth plaintiffs are cheered on by supporters as they arrive for their second day of trial (Photo by Robin Loznak)
Youth plaintiffs arrive at the courthouse for their second day of trial (Photo by Robin Loznak)
One of the attorneys for the youth plaintiffs, Phil Gregory, poses questions for Dr. Cathy Whitlock (Photo by Robin Loznak)
Dr. Cathy Whitlock testifies in court (Photo by Robin Loznak)
Youth plaintiff Mica testifies in court while Judge Seeley listens (Photo by Robin Loznak)
Youth plaintiff Badge testifies in court (Photo by Robin Loznak)
June 14, 2023
Youth plaintiffs greet local supporters (and a friendly dog) on the way into court for their third day of trial (Photo by Robin Loznak)
Julia Olson, Our Children’s Trust’s Chief Legal Counsel and one of the attorneys for the youth, speaks with plaintiffs Grace and Rikki in court (Photo by Robin Loznak)
Shane Doyle, testifying on behalf of his daughters (and youth plaintiffs), Ruby and Lilian. (Photo by Robin Loznak)
Michael Durglo, Jr., Head of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes' Tribal Historic Department, provides his testimony (Photo by Robin Loznak)
Youth plaintiff Sariel testifies in court (Photo by Robin Loznak)
Youth plaintiff Taleah testifies in court (Photo by Robin Loznak)
Youth plaintiff Georgi testifies while Judge Seeley listens (Photo by Robin Loznak)
June 15, 2023
Youth plaintiff Claire testifies in court (Photo by Robin Loznak)
Youth plaintiff Kian in the courtroom (Photo by Robin Loznak)
Peter Erickson, climate change policy researcher for the Stockholm Environment Institute, prepares his testimony
Anne Hedges, Director of Policy and Legislative Affairs at MEIC provides testimony (Photo by Robin Loznak)
Youth plaintiffs Claire and Georgi, along with Our Children’s Trust attorney Mat dos Santos, walk through a corridor of supporters outside the courthouse on Thursday (Photo by Robin Loznak)
June 16, 2023
Youth plaintiff Lander prepares to testify in court (Photo by Renata Harrison, Courtesy of Western Environmental Law Center)
Youth plaintiff Olivia displays her art during testimony (Photo by Renata Harrison, Courtesy of Western Environmental Law Center)
June 19, 2023
Youth plaintiff Rikki in court next to Nate Bellinger, Senior Staff Attorney with Our Children’s Trust (Photo by Robin Loznak)
Supporters cheer on the youth as they arrive at the courthouse (Photo by Robin Loznak)
Youth plaintiffs arrive for their sixth day of trial (Photo by Robin Loznak)
Phil Gregory, attorney for the youth plaintiffs, questions Dr. Terry Anderson on cross examination (Photo by Robin Loznak)
June 20, 2023
Nate Bellinger delivers the closing statement for youth plaintiffs (Photo by Robin Loznak)
Mica, Eva, and Rikki visit in the courtroom (Photo by Robin Loznak)
Youth plaintiffs walking and chatting outside the courthouse (Photo by Robin Loznak)
Attorneys for the youth plaintiffs from Our Children’s Trust, Western Environmental Law Center (WELC), and McGarvey Law gather outside the courthouse (Photo by Robin Loznak)
From analysis and commentary by our experts to media coverage of our cases and reactions to breaking news stories, Our Children’s Trust is in the news, amplifying the voices and legal efforts of young people in Montana, across the United States, and around the world..
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